Common Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions:
What happens when I arrive?
You will be greeted by someone at the door and given a church bulletin.  Our greeters will be happy to help you find the right classroom or to get seated in the worship center.
Where do my children go during worship?
We provide a safe and well staffed nursery during our church services for your family.  Children infants through age 5 will enjoy fun, interactive activities as they discover God loves them.  This nursery ministry is the preschool wing.
Children from kindergarten through 5th grade participate with their families in the worship service until the sermon.  Then they can exit the worship center to attend Kids Fest (Children's Church).  Your children will experience a fun filled, high energy, and safe environment in our gym as they learn about God, while making friends.  Parents, please register your child when they attend the first time.
All of our volunteers who work with minors have been screened, trained, and have had background checks.
How should I dress for church?
Be yourself!  We are very flexible...some are in dresses and suits while others are in very casual pants and shirts.  In the summer, people wear very comfortable clothes, maybe even shorts.
What is our worship service like?
Whether you like contemporary or traditional music you will find something for you.  Our praise team consists of vocalists, drums, piano, keyboard and guitar. 
Sometimes we use drama and short video clips to enhance our services as well as testimonies or personal faith stories.  Our pastor uses Power Point to help make his messages easier to follow.  Most importantly, our services lead us to experience God's presence in authentic, creative expressions.  Come join us! 
What are our members like?
You will meet ordinary people just like you!  You will be able to make friends who are growing through life in Jesus Christ.